Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover gal
Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover gal

Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover gal

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Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover gal
Item Id: SMA 3301
Availability: 2 In Stock Ready to Ship Free Shipping
UPC: 0-27691-03301-8
Code: 781954|

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Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover paint stripper is exceptional for the safe removal of lead-based paint and is excellent for intricate, carved, or molded surfaces. It is also outstanding for removing marine paints without damaging the gel coat. Because it is a paste, the Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover paint stripper can easily be applied by brush, roller or conventional airless sprayer. Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover covers approximately 40-50 square feet per gallon. Safe: Formulated without methylene chloride or caustic, this water-based remover has no odor and is non-flammable. Effective: the Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover removes multiple layers of architectural, industrial and most lead based paints from any interior/exterior surface in a single application. globeEnvironmentally Friendly: Water-based, zero VOCs and 100% biodegradable. User Friendly: The Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover is easily applied by brush, roller or airless spray. It does not require neutralization. * SHIPS GROUND ONLY. Provide valid street address at Checkout.

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