Rust-Oleum 60627 Rocksolid Concrete Putty Patch
Rust-Oleum 60627 Rocksolid Concrete Putty Patch

Rust-Oleum 60627 Rocksolid Concrete Putty Patch

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Rust-Oleum 60627 Rocksolid Concrete Putty Patch
Item Id: RUS 60627
Availability: 6 In Stock Ready to Ship Free Shipping
UPC: 8-99201-00282-7
Code: NR

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Rocksolid Putty Patch is a fast-setting general purpose cement-based patching material for repairing concrete and masonry. Rocksolid Putty Patch is a proprietary blend of Portland cements, aggregates and additives that achieve initial set in 10-15 minutes, final set in 20-25 minutes. It can be shaved down to achieve a more uniform looking repair after initial set.