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This product had easy to understand directions and went on quickly with a sprayer. Fast shipping and packed securely.
Too early to tell if the product will last, but it went on easy with a sprayer. The store also has excellent customer service and fast shipping.
I have been trying to fix my chimney for a while. Every major storm I had water dripping through my fireplace into my living room. Finally I bought ChimneyRx and applied it following the directions. Now I can report that after all the rain that we had in the fall my fireplace is DRY. DTEPStore is an amazing company with excellent customer service. Highly recommend!
We've had one heavy rain since I applied the sealant. No leak! Hooray!
I applied the waterproofing to my masonry chimney and it almost stopped the rain water that was weeping into the interior brick face. I applied a 2nd coat and still awaiting for the final results since we have had minimal rain. The application by a tank sprayer is the best way to apply. For those having a moisture problem, it is definitely worth the investment to correct your situation.
Our problem was water dripping into our fireplace. Applied two generous coats of this product to the exterior brick where we found leak after doing water test on brick. After two days of steady rain, we see no leak or evidence of seeping on interior fireplace brick. So far so good..
Was on the verge of getting my chimney rebuilt, thought I would try the RX to stop the water from coming in. Did everything per instruction, had 3 inches of rain the next week and no water came in. Awesome !!!!!!
Easy to apply. My old chimney soaked up a lot of it. One side where I didn't go all the way to the top and came back and finished the next day, there were very faint streaks where the newer application ran down on the dried/treated bricks. I don't think anyone would notice the streaks without looking closely, and they are not visible from any distance even when looking for them.
Fast Shipper. Just applied yesterday because of warmer weather, put on two coat, will not know results till after heavy rain.
Directions were easy to understand. Went on quick with sprayer.
Works great, very easy to apply!